"We have no voice. You have to be our voice.
You have to tell people outside our country what they're doing to us."
She glanced around the street, then returned her fearless gaze to me.
I was rooted to the spot. I was to be the "witness" and she had given me a clear task.
I failed her. I was given a responsibility for that, now forty years later,
Ican finally face. I hope I'm not too late.
- From the prologue
A powerful first-person account of th emost important, and heart-rendering, episode in Korean history since the Korean War.
Don Baker, Professor of Korean Civilization, University of British Columbia
Witnessing Gwangju is a compelling, tense, and moving memoir that highlights the forgotten role played by American Peace Corps Volunteers during 5.18.
Matt Van Volkenburg, Gusts of Popular Feeling